We provide professional healthcare staff to both the public and private sector

Supported Living

Many people take choosing where to live, how to live and who to live with for granted, yet it’s a fundamental part of feeling in control of your life.

We support the elderly and frail, physically disabled, learning disabled, or those with mental health illness with personal daily routines at home that may be impossible to do alone, or have become more difficult. We also help those under our provision to live however and wherever they choose, often helping them move from residential care or family homes into their own place or a house shared with friends.

About this service

Our supported Live-in care service is designed to help people with a wide range of support needs in their own home. We have a person centred delivery operational policy in place taking into account individual personal circumstances and needs in order to identify the best and most effective approach to deliver care for all within our provision. We support you in your own home providing 24 hour live in companionship.

Supported living services can help if you don’t want to live in residential care but you’re finding it difficult to cope at home. We are well positioned and equipped to help people live happy lives filled with ambition. Whether it’s learning a new life skill such as cooking or money management, having the confidence to take up a new hobby or make new friends, or taking the first step into volunteering or employment, we’re here to support and encourage each goal, however big or small.

Once a plan is in place, we regularly review progress, recognising and celebrating every achievement and continuing to encourage each person to set new goals to achieve even more.

Care path plans are developed and altered as we really get to know each person and built a clear understanding of their history, current situation and future goals. We have in-depth conversations with those in our care , their family and any relevant care professionals ensuring we have all the necessary information and have taken the time to hear each person’s views and wishes allowing us to provide effective care.

  • Oral Hygiene
  • Washing Needs
  • Shaving Needs
  • Assistance With Medication
  • Meals and Feeding Assistance
  • Shopping
  • Toileting and Incontinence needs
  • Assisting Getting In And Out Of Bed